Information About the Egg Donation Process

See also: General Egg Donor Qualifications

We have no connection with any of the sites listed below, but we found their information useful. [Link broken as of 7-Oct-2010]
Very good description of the egg donation process and what the donor can expect.
Informal, step-by-step overview of the egg donation process, written mostly for donor egg recipients, but the donor's role is also included.
Another good, simple explanation of the general egg donation process, though slightly misleading when it talks about what may happen to the donated eggs/embryos (for example, whether unused embryos may be given to another needy recipient or used for scientific research), because the egg donation contract should dictate exactly what the parties have mutually agreed is and is not permissible.
General FAQ about egg donation.
Outline of the time commitment involved in egg donation.  Procedures vary somewhat between clinics, but this gives a reasonably good approximation of what is involved.  A typical timeline, from the date when the donor and recipient are matched until the date when eggs are retrieved, is at least 60-90 calendar days.  Much of this calendar time is due to: (a) the need to perform tests at specific points in the menstrual cycle; and (b) the need to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient.

Of course, if you decide to go forward with an egg donation, the clinic that is used will explain the entire process and answer any questions.

If you know of other Web sites that you think would be good to add to the above list, please let us know: parents_AT_dbooth_DOT_org.

Page updated 7-Oct-2010