About the Author
David Booth is a computer nerd (PhD in computer science) and ex-songwriter
with many other intellectual and artistic interests, including photography,
expanded families, and of course social activism, an interest he inherited from his
parents. Previously active in Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility, his main social causes currently are peace, clean air rights
(smoke-free air), and LGBT rights (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered).
Some of his opinions currently or previously considered radical:
- Second-hand smoke is wrong. Smokers have no right to inflict their
smoke on others. Therefore they should not smoke
where others must breathe their smoke.
(This idea was considered radical 15-20 years ago, but in
much of the US it is now considered obvious or reasonable.)
- All national borders should be open. Our immigration policies are
fundamentally wrong. Freedom of movement -- the ability to come and go
freely, for peaceful purposes, and live where you choose -- is a fundamental human right.
Discrimination based on birthplace or parentage is no better than
discrimination based on the color of someone's skin. It is
wrong. (As of this writing in early 2001, most people still think this is a radical
idea. Do you?)
David currently lives with his wife and housemates in the Boston area.
If you like what you've seen, or if you have comments or suggestions, please send email to david_AT_dbooth_DOT_org. Thanks!